It is a group of diseases in which the person has difficulty in moving without loss of sense and consciousness that will adversely affect strength and movement. There are two main groups of movement disorders; the group where movement is less than ideal: The group where Parkinsonism and movement are more than ideal: Hyperkinesis. The neurology department diagnoses and treats diseases such as dystonia, essential tremor, dyskinesias, restless leg syndrome, especially Parkinson’s disease.

Parkinson’s Disease

It occurs with symptoms such as trembling in the hands, involuntary movements, loss of expression on the face, difficulty in moving or walking, not shaking the arms while walking, shrinkage in the handwriting, constipation, low level speech, hunching or leaning forward. Parkinson’s disease is a slow progressive neurological disorder that develops when the cells that produce dopamine that transmit messages between brain regions and control body movements are damaged and destroyed. Although it is not known exactly why these cells are damaged, genetic predisposition and environmental factors are thought to play a role in this disease.

It is usually an advanced age disease. As it is a sneaky and slow-moving disease, it may not be noticed for a long time. Although the age of onset of the disease varies between 40 and 70 years, it usually appears to occur after 60 years of age. It is more common in men than in women. 

Instead of methods such as laboratory or X-ray examinations in Parkinson’s disease, a diagnosis can be made as a result of the information and examination received from a specialist neurologist from the patient and his/her relatives. 

Drug therapy can correct muscle stiffness, tremor, slowness of movement, and many other complaints. The first goal in the treatment is that the patient feels good in the community and can perform daily life activities without needing help and difficulty. Surgical treatment may be preferred in patients who do not recover with medication.

The information on this page has been prepared by the Moodist Psychiatry and Neurology Hospital Medical Team.

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