Bipolar disorder which occurs by an unusual change in one’s mental state between the two extremes, can cause serious problems affecting every aspect of life if not treated. At Moodist Psychiatry and Neurology Hospital, support is provided with a multi-faceted approach and numerous experts at every stage of this disease. In addition, Free Psychoeducation for the Families of Bipolar Disorder Patients is organized at certain intervals in our hospital.

Bipolar disorder, which expresses an unusual change in one’s mental state between the two extremes, is a mental health problem and mood changes in the patient may affect sleep, energy, activity, behaviour and thoughts. In bipolar disorder, the patient travels between mania periods in which he/she experiences excessive joy, mobility and greatness and depression periods in which he/she does not enjoy life, feels depressed, calm and silent. Although “hypomania” and “mania” seen in bipolar disorder are two separate periods, they have the same symptoms. Unlike mania, symptoms are less severe in the hypomania period and hospitalization is not required. The daily lives and relationships of the person are not significantly affected as during the mania period. Moodist Psychiatry and Neurology Hospital stand by its patients experiencing bipolar disorder with a multi-faceted approach in the treatment process and experts of each treatment method.

How is Bipolar Disorder Treated in Moodist?

Moodist Psychiatry and Neurology Hospital makes a treatment plan in accordance with the subjective psychological needs of the person in mental and brain health-related diseases, with the most advanced treatment facilities that provide the conditions required by science and technology and with expert psychiatrist and psychologist staff.

Bipolar disorder is a treatable health problem. Drug treatment and psychotherapy stand out as highly effective treatment methods. 

Treatment methods and supportive approaches used at Moodist Psychiatry and Neurology Hospital include:

  • Drug Treatment
  • Psychometric Tests
  • Psychotherapies (CBT, EMDR, Psychodynamic, Mindfulness, Hypnotherapy, Psychotherapy, Schema, Family, Group)
  • Ergotherapy (Music, Painting, Ebru, Ceramics, Handicrafts, Body and Motion Therapy, Sports, Kitchen Workshop)
  • Psychoeducation
  • Somatic Treatments (ECT, TMS)
  • Rehabilitation Programs
  • Inpatient Treatment

Moodist’s Treatment Approach

The Moodist medical team first explains to the patient and patient relatives that a way should be followed in accordance with the treatment method determined. Moodist Psychiatry and Neurology Hospital specialists can consult various psychological tests to make the correct diagnosis and to create an effective treatment plan. These psychometric tests performed by specialist psychiatrists and psychologists are scientifically based measurement and evaluation tools.

Antipsychotic drugs are recommended during mania and hypomania. However, the recommendation of the antipsychotic drug by your physician does not mean that you are psychotic. Psychotherapy is also recommended with antidepressant drug support during depression. Your doctor may give antipsychotic and antidepressant drugs together or separately. Medication should not be discontinued unless directed otherwise by your physician.

Psychotherapies are very important in dealing with bipolar disorder, recognizing symptoms, early detection, increasing treatment compliance and social-occupational functionality. Moodist Medical Team applies individual psychotherapies such as Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, EMDR (desensitization and reprocessing with eye movements), Psychodynamic, Mindfulness, Hypnotherapy, Psychodrama, Schema as well as therapeutic methods such as family and group therapies in the treatment of bipolar disorder. Psychotherapy may be administered in addition to drug therapy in the treatment of bipolar disorder. In Moodist Psychiatry and Neurology Hospital, different therapeutic approaches suitable for the individual diagnosed with bipolar disorder are determined. Depending on the age and clinical condition of the PA, one-on-one or family sessions are organized. 

You can consult Moodist therapists without hesitation about which therapeutic approach they use, how therapy has an impact on bipolar disorder, how you can benefit from it at the end of therapy, and any questions that come to your mind.

In Moodist Psychiatry and Neurology Hospital, ergotherapy activities including music, dance, ebru workshop, painting, sports and ceramics are also carried out to help patients recover, socialize and lead a healthy life, to improve their self-confidence and abilities and to enable them to use these developments in daily life.

Problems also occur in the family as a result of bipolar disorder. For this reason, the medical team of Moodist Psychiatry and Neurology Hospital includes family members in the treatment process and conducts informative psychoeducation studies on bipolar disorder for families. In this way, it was observed that the rates of discontinuation of treatment decreased and the dilemmas in the family’s relations with the patients were defined and the compliance within the family increased. It is worth knowing that patient, understanding and supportive approaches as well as regular and long-term therapies can be used to obtain results and the physician should not be changed frequently.

In Moodist Psychiatry and Neurology Hospital, ECT (Electro Convulsive Therapy) and TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) treatment can also be applied when necessary. Electroshock is given to the anterior part of the brain under general anesthesia with ECT during periods of intense resistance to treatment and disease. Since the person is under anesthesia, he/she does not experience ECT treatment exactly. With this treatment, rapid release of brain biochemicals is seen. Clinical improvement is achieved by applying TMS to predetermined areas related to mental illnesses and creating electrophysiological changes there. During the application, the coil forming the magnetic current is placed over the scalp to the point where the target brain region is located. It is applied over the scalp without any intervention to the body. According to the diagnosis of psychiatric disease, the target area and the severity of the magnetic current to be applied are determined.

Patient safety and comfort are at the forefront of Moodist

The treatment of bipolar disorder can be sustained in many ways. The place of inpatient treatment is quite important. It is vital to be hospitalized and treated especially in cases where the person is likely to harm himself/herself or his/her environment with the condition of not accepting the disease and treatment. In such a case, the patient should be hospitalized.  

Moodist Psychiatry and Neurology Hospital has a 75-bed psychiatric inpatient service where patients will be treated comfortably and reliably. Medical surveillance and interventions are at the forefront in the services where patients do not undergo any additional intervention other than the restrictions deemed necessary by their own doctors and where patients can move to their own rooms and common areas of their own free will.

Technical equipment and arrangements are designed with unbreakable glass and soft-angled furniture to eliminate the possibility of patients harming themselves and their surroundings in these services. Experienced psychiatrists, psychologists, nurses and auxiliary health personnel are available 24 hours a day. 

In the service, there is a multi-purpose hall, 1 activity room and 1 smoking room shared by the patients. Inpatients can participate in many studies such as morning meeting accompanied by psychologists and nurses, music, dance, marbling art workshop, painting, sports and ceramics. 

If the doctors deem it appropriate, the patients can spend free time in the private gardens owned by the hospital at certain times and see their relatives within the scope of the specified visiting hours. 

How to understand major depression?

Unlike depressive disorders that only occur during periods of depression, bipolar disorders are known for their ability to go through mania, hypomania or mixed periods as well as depression. If the following symptoms occur in individuals for at least two weeks, immediate action is required: 

  • Sadness, feeling empty or despair.
  • Reduced interest or inability to enjoy things that used to be enjoyed.
  • Not trying to lose weight, losing too much weight, gaining weight, decreased or increased appetite.
  • Insomnia or excessive sleep.
  • Feeling restless, restless, or slowing down, decreasing, being still and silent.
  • Exhaustion or low energy. 
  • Feelings of worthlessness or excessively inappropriate guilt.
  • Difficulties in thinking, focusing and making decisions.
  • Self-harm thoughts and plans.

What does the patient experience during the mania period?

During this period, the person feels very well; he/she experiences intensely feelings of joy, pleasure, happiness and enthusiasm. He/she may exhibit excessive anger, aggression, aggression and anger. This will take at least a week. However, if hospitalization is required, the duration is not significant. The main reasons for the necessity of hospitalization during mania are suicidal thoughts, unusual changes in mental status, increased risky behaviours and problems related to daily activities. In such cases, experts of Moodist Psychiatric Emergency Service, which is open 24/7, make the necessary first intervention. Thereafter, the treatment process is initiated by taking the person to the psychiatric inpatient treatment center. 

Other symptoms of mania

  • Increased overconfidence. The patient may believe that he is a very famous person, a rock star or a person with superhuman powers.
  • Decrease in sleep requirement. The patient sleeps little, but as the need for sleep decreases, he/she wakes up vigorously, sometimes he/she can spend a few days without sleeping at all.
  • He/she may be more talkative than usual.
  • There are thought flights. Distracted conversations from one topic to another are witnessed.
  • He/she turns to risky behaviours. For example, he/she spends excessive money, makes impulsive sexual attempts, or makes unnecessary business investments.

Symptoms do not change during the period of hypomania 

Although hypomania and mania are two separate periods, they have the same symptoms. Unlike mania, symptoms are less severe in the hypomania period and hospitalization is not necessary. The daily lives and relationships of the person are not significantly affected as during the mania period. The Moodist Medical Team is conducting a multidisciplinary treatment process in the treatment of bipolar disorder. 

Bipolar Disorder and Sub-Types

Bipolar-I Disorder: Diagnosis requires at least one manic period. Many patients with bipolar-I may also experience major depressive and hypomanic mood.

Bipolar-II Disorder: Diagnosis requires at least one major depression and at least one period of hypomania.

Cyclothymia: There are recurrent mood changes, but none of them are severe enough to be called major depressive or manic.

What can bipolar disorder cause?

The exact cause of bipolar disorder in the medical world is unclear. However, genetic factors, chemical imbalances in the brain, and triggers such as stress are predicted to cause bipolar disorder.  If bipolar disorder is not treated, it can even become life-threatening. For this reason, regular mental health control by doctors, regular use of drugs and hospitalization when necessary are of utmost importance for this disease. Because the following negative consequences may be encountered:

  • Issues related to drug and alcohol use.
  • Suicide or suicide attempts. (10 to 15 per cent of patients die from this.)
  • Legal or financial problems.
  • Poor job or school performance.
  • Relational problems.

The information on this page has been prepared by the Moodist Psychiatry and Neurology Hospital Medical Team.

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