What is Ecstasy (MDMA) Addiction?

Ecstasy (MDMA) is an amphetamine-derived substance. The effects of ecstasy (MDMA) are similar to amphetamines and hallucinogenic substances. It is sold in tablets with pictures of various animals (elephant, bird). It is generally used for entertainment purposes. In slang, it is referred to by names such as “Sugar, Rocket, 007, Crazy Max, Mitsubishi”. Ecstasy (MDMA) addiction is a controversial issue. It has been observed that the substances sold as ecstasy (MDMA) contain other substances such as methamphetamine, cocaine, and caffeine. It is difficult to distinguish whether addiction is from direct ecstasy (MDMA) or from other substances, since Ecstasy (MDMA) is often used concurrently with substances such as cannabis and cocaine. Therefore, it becomes difficult to determine whether a person is directly addicted to ecstasy (MDMA). According to studies, it has been determined that ecstasy (MDMA) is a substance that is very open to abuse. Most people using ecstasy (MDMA) have developed a tolerance to the substance. It has been observed that the person using ecstasy has deterioration in his social life after a while and cannot have fun without ecstasy.

What are the Risk Factors That May Cause Ecstasy (MDMA) Addiction?

Ecstasy (MDMA) is a substance that can be purchased cheaper than other substances. Its low price makes it easy to access the substance and to obtain it quickly. The fact that ecstasy (MDMA), which is widely used among today’s youth, is accepted as harmless by young people brings about uncontrolled and unconscious use.

How to Know if a Person is Addicted to Ecstasy (MDMA)?

A person who uses ecstasy (MDMA) feels craving for the substance, starts to use more ecstasy over time, that is, his tolerance for ecstasy (MDMA) increases, withdrawal symptoms occur, and he cannot have fun as before in conditions without ecstasy, which indicates that addiction to this substance has developed. A person using ecstasy (MDMA) experiences some withdrawal symptoms after they stop using it. These symptoms include feelings of emptiness, dizziness, headache, exhaustion, panic, sleep and eating disorders, and deterioration in reality perception.

What are the Problems Caused by Ecstasy (MDMA) Addiction?

Ecstasy (MDMA) suppresses feelings of fatigue, hunger and thirst. Therefore, problems arise in the protection mechanisms. People who use ecstasy (MDMA) have more psychiatric problems depending on the use. Ecstasy (MDMA) addiction has strong effects on the cardiovascular system and body temperature. Therefore, it has been reported that the use of ecstasy (MDMA) may lead to cardiovascular system complications in weak individuals. The use of ecstasy (MDMA) by people with high blood pressure, diabetes, epilepsy, heart and liver problems, and mental illnesses causes these diseases to become aggravated and even life-threatening.

What are the Most Common Psychological Problems with Ecstasy (MDMA) Addiction?

As a result of long-term use of ecstasy (MDMA), serious impairments in memory can be seen.

Studies have shown that memory impairment is related to the dose of ecstasy (MDMA). In addition, long-term and high-dose ecstasy (MDMA) use has a negative effect on the brain’s production and secretion of serotonin. For this reason, people using ecstasy (MDMA) are more likely to experience anxiety and depression. In addition, people using ecstasy (MDMA) may experience psychological problems such as obsessive behaviours, phobic and paranoid thoughts, aggression, sleep and eating disorders.

How is Ecstasy (MDMA) Addiction Treated in Turkey?

Ecstasy (MDMA) addiction is handled with a holistic approach at Moodist Psychiatry and Neurology Hospital. In the first place, the person using ecstasy (MDMA) goes through the detoxification process. During the detoxification process, the person’s blood is detoxicated from ecstasy (MDMA). Drug support is given for withdrawal symptoms, serum support is given for vitamin and mineral loss that occurs during the process of using ecstasy (MDMA). In addition, interviews are conducted by psychologists to determine the individual’s needs.

Initially, the emphasis is on evaluation and diagnosis. The addiction status of the person is evaluated with psychogenic tests and individual interviews. Individual interviews are made with the ecstasy (MDMA) addict, as well as participation in group therapies and art therapies every day. Participation in sports activities is provided two days a week to improve physical skills. When a person with ecstasy (MDMA) addiction arrives at Moodist Psychiatric and Neurology Hospital, they undergo a comprehensive medical and psychological evaluation. Interviews are made with the family of the person to the extent that the patient has permission, and psychosocial needs are determined.

Psychoeducation for the addiction process is applied to family members and appropriate behaviour patterns are explained. In the medical support section, withdrawal-relieving and desire-reducing drugs determined by the person’s psychiatrist are used in the treatment. If needed, medical and psychological support is also provided for other psychological problems caused by the use of ecstasy (MDMA).

Information for Those With Relative Ecstasy (MDMA) Addiction

As we mentioned above, ecstasy addiction has many effects and it is a very difficult process for an ecstasy addict to live. Addiction is a brain disease. If your relative has an ecstasy (MDMA) addiction, you should definitely get support. The person with ecstasy addiction needs support in this process. If you want to support your loved one, you should be open to being guided by an addiction specialist to learn about the effects of ecstasy, withdrawal symptoms, behaviour patterns to get rid of ecstasy (MDMA) addiction, and similar needs. Addiction is not a matter of will, it is a disease. In order to cope with this disease, first and foremost, the disease must be recognized. Do not hesitate to seek help and do not delay.

Your relative with ecstasy (MDMA) addiction may not want to seek treatment. Remember that you cannot force him to quit ecstasy unless he wants to quit. Try to stay cool. Your first goal may not be to get him to stop ecstasy, but to try to increase his motivation to quit ecstasy. If your relative who uses ecstasy (MDMA) does not apply for treatment, a relative of that person can receive counselling service. From time to time, informing family members and changing their behaviour alone may be sufficient. Learning functional and dysfunctional behaviours will also help you in this process. Continue to support, love and be there for your loved one. It is necessary to be consistent in this process. It is necessary to manage the process as calmly and rationally as possible without getting angry. It is necessary to exhibit consistent behaviour and approach with rules and boundaries. Take a clear stance on your boundaries. If your loved one doesn’t feel ready to talk about their ecstasy addiction yet, don’t confront him.

Avoid judgmental and accusatory speech. Try to understand. Do not hesitate to discuss this matter with him. Get plenty of information about addiction from the right sources in this process. Join support groups for families of addicts. Remember that you also need support during this process. State your rules clearly and precisely. Open and transparent communication is the most valuable step of this process. This may not be easy at first. Don’t be in a hurry to change. You are entering a mutual exchange process, do not hesitate to get support.

The information on this page has been prepared by the Moodist Psychiatry and Neurology Hospital Medical Team.

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